This very successful series of international conferences is running since 1975. Previous STAB conferences were held in the following cities:
1975 - Glasgow, UK
1982 - Tokyo, Japan
1987 - Gdansk, Poland
1990 - Naples, Italy
1994 - Melbourne (Florida), USA
1997 - Varna, Bulgaria
2000 - Launceston (Tasmania), Australia
2003 - Madrid, Spain
2006 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2009 - St Petersburg, Russia
2012 - Athens, Greece
The STAB conferences are organized with the following objectives:
To promote the exchange of ideas, methodologies, procedures, tools and data regarding the stability of ships and ocean vehicles including naval and small craft sectors; and
To provide an opportunity to naval architects, researchers, regulatory bodies, inspection and certifying authorities, shipbuilders, ship and platform owners and operators, consultants; to network and to present, discuss and share information on developments in safe operation and capsize prevention for all types and sizes of floating structures.